Increase your sales with digital PoS advertising
Imagine this scenario. A customer walks into your quick service restaurant or convenience store, intent on buying a $5 sandwich. While waiting in line, he looks up at your digital PoS advertising system and plays a trivia game. He then sees an ad flaunting your new personal pizzas.
“Hmmm, that sounds really good. I, think I’ll have that”, he thinks. Then he sees an ad for Sunkist orange soda — something he hasn’t had for years.
By the time he reaches the counter, his $5 sandwich order has become a $9 complete lunch: personal pizza, Sunkist, and Entenmann’s chocolate chip cookies for dessert — and you just took in 80% more than you would have without PoS advertising.
Obviously, not every customer will change his or her order simply by seeing some ads. But many will. Studies have reported that 63% of people notice and remember digital ads they saw at the point of purchase. That’s more than any other medium.
And since our digital advertising system costs you nothing (in fact, we pay you for allowing us to install it), why not give it a try?
Sell more products, improve your customers’ shopping experience, and get paid to do it! Call 973 744-2900 or fill out the information request form to get started.